Dear Readers, (I started with this so I am going to stick with it)
Feeling very tired and very stressed out following a lovely 3 weeks at home in Cornwall followed by a lovely welcome party back at my house in Bath.
Well, when say welcome party. I mean 3 nights of being woken up by my loud and insensitive housemate and her delightful boyfriend.
So you must be thinking...
Why cant you just ask her to be quiet?
Why cant you ignore her?
I am sure you can forgive 3 nights of noise!
That is what it is like in a house share !
These seem pretty ledgit questions and thoughts. However, we have come up against this and have found the following issues which are preventing the continuation of a happy house;
. She feels she is being quiet enough and there is nothing else she can do to be any quieter when we have in the past approached her.
.We cant ignore the noise of screaming, shouting, arguments and door slamming. The violent and aggressive nature of the noise makes the 5 other girls feel worried and concerned. Also, the nature of the noise is difficult to ignore like a loud music playing or hammering.
. We have in the past forgiven three nights of noise. However this has been going on for nine months now and if anything the noise disturbances have become more frequent, for longer periods of time and louder disruptions.
. I am aware that in a house of six people that there is bound to be noise. I would agree with that statement. However I believe that when it is only the one person making a noise, that it clearly is possible to be respectful of others who you live with.
Unfortunately the noise issues are not the only ones. We have now come to terms with the idea that we now live with this difficult housemates boyfriend. He appears to have moved into the property with no invitation, notification or permission. This would not be an issue if he was a well mannered, clean, hygienic, friendly and timid character (as other of my housemates boyfriends are). Instead he is the opposite. His presence is threatening, unwanted and frosty. It goes without saying that he feels it is acceptable not to contribute to house bills and to leave the toilet seat up.Said boyfriend also feels it is acceptable to bring his mates back to our house during the early hours of the morning and do imitations of the other girls who live in the house. I am sure you will agree that he is a delightful human being and a joy to be around.
1) The noise she causes and the disruption to work and university work she is causing.
2)The financial drain the 7th tenant is causing for the rest of us.
3) Concern for our and their safety during arguments.
We have tried contacting her family, the university, our landlord, the council and the letting agents and no one seems to be able to help us.
There has been a knock on effect to our work and our happiness during this period and I feel the time has come to say; "No more".
We have tried messaging her and saying shut up. We have tried ignoring it and seeing if that works. We initially thought she makes noise to deliberately piss us off.
I have now decided that I must fight fire with fire and this means risking more aggression and threatening behavior. This has materialised in the past with the housemate attempting to punch one of the other girls and pinning another in the corner against the room.
However, enough is enough for me. I have had enough. I have decided that next time I am woken up I will take one of two steps.
1) Shout at her, in her face, outside her door, whatever.... to shut up and go to bed.
2) Call the police.
Personally I think the removal of the squatter boyfriend from the property would end 90% of the noise complaints and the hygiene complaints.
The pinnacle of his arrogance was to enter our basement, keep his bike in there, and hide the keys ih their room. This resulted in a man driving all the way from bristol to attempt to enter the basement because the builders had no key and needed to enter the basement. He later emerged to retrieve his bike with no apology just a threat not to touch his property that was stored in our own propety. Delightful.
This along with his flaunts of his semi nude body around the house that I actually pay for has driven me to the edge of insanity. Insanity is so close I can almost touch it.
This feels like I am living with two chimps who are unable to understand other human reactions and feelings.
I once stood outside in the rain for an hour (as i forgot my key) ringing the doorbell ... no answer even though I knew the chances of him being in the house were very high. An hour later he emerged again... he does a lot of emerging .... and let himself out ... the boy... could not even let me in.... this is the type of chimpanzee I am living with.
This was not intended to be a rant. However, it soon becomes an angry rant when you are prevented from sleeping 80% of the time. I am tired. I am frustrated. I am pissed off that I am paying for a jobless idiot to use my internet, water, heating and electricity whilst I am forced to work after being kept up all night. I don't feel this is a fair deal.
So if there is anyone who want to kick him or her out ... feel free. I will give you my address freely.
Any suggestions or advice ?
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