Thanks readers.
A Yorkshire Lads
It is umble, a coontry life,
It’s na like a Lunnon life;
Yet ar daddy’s morals guides, an continues
to preside
Oer the rest of my umble Yorkshire life.
Taught to be kind and always sincere,
Never a bribe shall evar tempt me;
If yoo can become a Yorkshire Lad,
A rogue ill niva deceive yoo.
Ar neighbours tongue, wet with envy
Will owl abart ar coonty,
Na men o' t' dis earth, boast a gretar
vow to protect ar sweet coontry.
Her sweet northern wind will ever remind
A walk on the moor is ar duty an an honour;
Ma cares in, gossip n fleeting village
Concern yet seem to miss me.
Sea good man, Is only a product,
Ov his own home, shire or nation,
The land does praise and reward us,
Through our prestigious local eddication;
Us lads must protect ar honest souls,
An deliver us from them that ar armin',
As ar mammies did teach us
Good manners, respect, an to be always'